Spiritituality, Religion, and Health

The level of participation in religious activities is the highest of all group ages. For the aged, the religious community is their principal fountain of social support, outside of their family, so it is the commonest organization of voluntary work.
Strong scientific evidence suggests that individuals who participate regularly in religious services or related activities and that feel the presence of a Superior Being or a superior force, are healthier and possess a higher capacity to cure themselves of any health problems. That is why religious beliefs and religious practices of older people are relevant to geriatric physicians, due to the potential effect that these have in the mental and physical health of their patients. The exploration of the spiritual necesities of an aged person during a process of sickness can help to movilize the resources necessary to help them overcome their condition.
Religion and spirituality are similar concepts, but not identical. Religion is associated with organizations or institutions traditionally organized. Spirituality involves feelings, ideas, thoughts, attitudes, conduct and experiences that arise from seeking the sacred, the divine, the trascendental. Sprirituality is not a religion. Religion involves responsibility, while spirituality has less requirements. Spirituality is in your heart, your spirit. It's in the way you conduct yourself in life and how you see life, and let's not forget, how you treat yourself and others! It is a personal spiritual adventure and awakening, that invites us to see life in a positive way. Some people may reject traditional religion and still consider themselves spiritual.
We all know that a positive attitude towards life and health help to recuperate health and diminish mortality. Spirituality and Religion reflect the human persuit of happiness by finding significance in life.
There is a saying here on the Island of Puerto Rico that goes like this: "God doesn't send burdens to anyone who cannot resist them." But apart from the difficulties we face daily, we have the option of living or letting ourselves die. So it's up to us to choose whether we want to live a healthy and useful life.
April 18, 2006
5:42 PM
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