Getting Ready for Easter in New York City
I remember those wonderful days before Easter Sunday in New York City when my brother and I were kids. The week before, my mother would take us to Alexander's or Macy's to buy new clothes for that special day. And, of course, a new bonnet was a must for me. Every single piece of clothes we wore that day had to be brand new. That was my mother's opinion and we kids loved it.
The Saturday before Easter Sunday my brother and I would boil a dozen eggs until they were hard. After letting them cool off for a while, we would dye them with food coloring and afterwards we would paint different designs on them using watercolor paste and brushes. We made baskets with small boxes covered with gift wrapping paper and there we would put our Easter eggs.
On Easter Sunday, after going to Church with our parents, we would go to 5th Avenue for the Easter Parade. That was another must. We were always so excited about the parade. I remember feeling so important walking down 5th Avenue hand in hand with my brother next to me and our parents walking behind us.
Remembering all this, I wrote a little verse this morning while I waited for the Mass to begin:
In my Easter bonnet,
With spring flowers upon it,
Parading down 5th Avenue
To the beat of a sonnet,
And walking hand in hand
With my dear brother Lewis,
Feeling mighty proud
To be in the crowd
In the Easter Parade.
April 16, 2006
11:30 AM
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