A Day For Earth: Everyone's Task

Every April 22nd, we celebrate "Earth Day". It's an international celebration since 1970. All creatures in our planet, even the most insignificant, are important to our ecosystem. It is everyone's responsibility to do what's in their power to help with the conservation of our environment. Then why is it that we celebrate this day once in the year and then we forget about it the rest of the 364 days left and we do nothing to help protect the earth for us and for the future generations?
We couldn't possibly live without the Earth. It is the esence of human existance, but it looks like in our daily living we forget its singular importance. The quality of our water and the conservation of our resources are subjects of great importance that should worry us all enough to get us into action and start protecting our environment.
Starting today, everyone should make it their business all year round to do what's up to them to take care of our home, the planet Earth. If you don't know what to do, check out www.earthday.gov that has suggestions offered by the government of the United States.
April 22, 2006
12:35 PM
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