New Year's Resolutions

Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to take stock of our lives, set some new goals and make those often abandoned New Year's Resolutions. New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes. Through the past few years I have not been too keen on writing down new year's resolutions or even making them in my mind. But further back in the past I remember having thought of some resolutions and even writing them down. I usually kept my word the first two months of the year. But I do remember way back some ten years ago I made a New Year's Resolution about my weight problem. I kept that resolution for over a year and I lost one hundred pounds mostly walking some three miles every day from Monday through Friday. Now my weight problem is with me again but now I have the added situation of osteoarthritis on both knees and exercising or even walking is absolutely out of the question for me. It would have to be mostly a diet affair and that is really much more difficult.This year's last few days (2005) I have been very sad. I guess it's only natural because I miss my mother, father, and brother who passed away. One can't avoid remembering them especially on these days of the year. I can't help thinking that if it wouldn't have been for an accident, my brother would still be with us. Life doesn't seem the same without him. I feel terribly lonely.
But now I must look forward towards the future and reflect upon what I need to give my life a 180 degree change. In other words I must do an "about face" in order to make a happier being of myself. I consider myself lucky since I don't have to worry about having to quit smoking because I never started. That's one in my favor. Another one in my favor is the drinking problem because again I never started drinking. I think I must find a way to enjoy life more if it's possible.
I have been learning to play the "cuatro" which is the typical string instrument on the Island of Puerto Rico where I live. But if I have to be totally honest with myself, I haven't really been too enthusiastic. I am in level five now. There are ten levels. And I have obtained excellent grades in each year's final test, but I consider I don't practice enough to learn songs by heart. I play songs with the sheet music, which is the way it should be, but that's not favorable when you want to go caroling with your instrument. Maybe I should decide to practice daily and that way I'll be ready to go caroling with my "cuatro" next December 2006. There, I said it. I have resolved to go through with it.
Getting organized at home is a must in order to be able to do all the things I like to do, like painting for example. I have resolved to start painting right off since January through December because I hardly painted this year. I have been doing other things like crocheting. But painting and music are two of my favorite things.
Why is it that so many people abandon their New Year's Resolutions. Perhaps it has something to do with goals being a bit not realistic or maybe we just don't want it bad enough. The goal must have an action plan. When you set your goals, get as specific as possible
Most of us are probably going to have some kind of a financial goal for next year, like saving money. Well this has to be one of my goals. I must put aside a certain amount of my Social check each month.
Well, I must wish myself luck with my New Year's Resolutions. Good luck to everyone who has decided to set their goals for the year 2006.
Happy New Year 2006!
Carmen Isie
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